utorok 27. septembra 2011

Did cooking make us humans?

I got to understand the importance of cooking after watching the video “Did cooking make us humans?” Back then; at the time the Australopithecus were living, people did not have access to meat. They obtained only fruits and vegetables, occasionally bugs because they were not physically developed to fight against the wild animals. Therefore, historians assume that the Australopithecus spent half of their waking time eating, attaining low calories from fruits and vegetables. Not eating any meat made their digestive system unable to absorb meat. It formed into a structure that can digest only fruits and vegetables. In this video, humans went on a diet camp that offered food based on what the early humans ate. After two weeks on the camp, humans lost 5 kg on average. This infers that the early humans did not get much energy as today. Moreover, experiments in the video show that the cooked food is easier to digest and we can absorb more nutrition from food when it is cooked, which is the main idea of this video.